NIHAO-KB4侨办推广教材 / Project Of The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council
Ni Hao Level 4 Textbook (Simplified Character Edition)
1 Textbook
单价 PRICE |
61.60 | 美元 USD |
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- 说 明
Description - 服 务
该教材是专门为学习中文的学生设计的。 它为学生提供了汉语口语和写作方面的训练。语言功能和概念贯穿于所有主题。为了提高学生的学习效率,本套丛书包括图书和软件等各种教学产品。 每套教材包含教科书、CD光盘、可下载的软件、学生手册、教师手册和游戏软件。
For learners in upper-level elementary through senior high grades--or for anyone seeking a clear, effective way to learn Chinese--the popular Ni Hao series is a great way to begin. Ni Hao helps to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with an approach that's fun, interactive, and informative. An attractive two-color format and humorous cartoons facilitate understanding, and keep learning interesting. The Ni Hao 1 Student Workbook is a learning activity book based on the content introduced in the Ni Hao 1 Textbook. This workbook contains a variety of activities that provide opportunities for students to practice the four communication skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing. The listening exercises for each lesson are included in the Teacher's Handbook and recorded on audio cassettes/CDs. Answers to all the questions in this book are also included in the Teacher's Handbook. Chinese characters are used in conjunction with pinyin to reinforce reading and writing skills, and characters that students should learn to write are included in the Writing Exercises section of this book. The Ni Hao series includes textbook, workbooks, audio products, CD-ROMs, and teacher's handbooks. Simplified character editions are also available.
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